Fire Detection & Alarm Systems

Early Detection and Alarm

Automatic fire alarm systems are crucial in protecting your building in the event of a fire. Total Fire Compliance understands the complexity and importance of these systems. Our experts are trained to inspect and maintain a wide range of automatic detection and alarm systems that are covered by AS 1851-2012, fire detection and alarm system.





The type of system installed in your property is determined by the use, size, and height of the building to meet the Building Code of Australia (BCA) objectives for life safety. Our team can provide you with tailored solutions to ensure that your automatic fire alarm system is functioning optimally, detecting any potential fires early and notifying building owners and emergency services promptly. 

fire detection system
fire alarm and detection system

Regulatory Requirements

At TFC, we understand the importance of adhering to ESM regulations when it comes to fire detection and alarm systems. That’s why we provide monthly inspections and testing of these systems, along with six-monthly, yearly, and five-yearly inspections.





It’s crucial to notify your local fire station of any tests performed, as most alarms are connected directly to them. We take the responsibility of ensuring the test call is received and the system is re-set and operational. Contact us today for more information on our comprehensive fire system inspection and testing services.

We provide World Class Fire Compliance Services

Need fire compliance for Your building?